Upon his retirement as chairman of the VIP Coffee, the North Dallas Chamber of Commerce honored Paul Hanson by having an annual award for the most energetic volunteer named after him. This was established in January 1991 by the Chamber Board to be presented annually at the NDCC Annual Meeting.
Nominations will close on Friday, March 10, 2017 at 5:00 p.m.
That the person chosen:
Be an active volunteer for the entire current fiscal year;
Have displayed a positive impact on other volunteers,
Was active during the year on more than one committee and/or council; and,
Has participated in membership sales efforts during the year.
Past award winners by year are Shawn Foster (1990-1991), Richard Blunk (1992-1993), Jim Young, (1993-1994), Truman Cook (1994-1995), Arthur Hollingsworth (1995-1996), Joanne Pospisil (1996-1997), Nancy Reid (1997-1998), Bill Siegel (1998-1999), Mary Anderson (1999-2000), John Ferguson (2000-2001), Ron Chapman (2001-2002), Beverly Miles (2002-2003), Jim Dillavou (2003-2004), Whitey Thomas (2004-2005), Steve Joiner (2005-2006), Bob Trice (2006-2007), Linda Glauben (2007-2008), Lisa Hall (2008-2009), Kimberly Lay (2009-2010), Ebby Halliday (2010-2011), Paul E. Maynard (2011-2012), Gail Chandler (2012-2013), Larry Fousie (2013-2014), Neil Riddick (2014-2015) and Carola Broaddus (2015-2016).
Chamber Contact:
Carol Short
Senior Vice President, Public Affairs
Carola Broaddus
2015-16 Paul Hanson Award Winner
Neil Riddick
2014-15 Paul Hanson Award Winner
Larry Fousie
2013-14 Paul Hanson Award Winner